48 States or Bust – The USA on Two Wheels
Miles Today: 66 – Total Miles: 6363 – Average: 235.6 (travel days)
11:00am-Noon (1hr)
PRIMM, NV to LAS VEGAS, NV (23/48)
(-staying at Steve Diano’s home – a former second grader of mine
As we were loading up we chatted with Debbie, Dave, Rose, and Ralph. They were two California couples who were out for a weekend’s jaunt to Bryce and Zion on two Goldwings. They had left yesterday evening at 8pm and arrived here at the Buffalo Bill Resort last night at 1am!! I was astounded at that and asked how they could get here so late. The one friendly guy said, pointing to his buddy using buddy-like mannerisms and tone, “Because HE rides like a girl! And because we ran into construction along the way.” I said I thought that was pretty funny (unless one is into the politically correct stuff), but that I know several girl motorcycle riders who could ride rings around most men. Then asked whether they had encountered any bad weather last night when they came in so late. They hadn’t.
When we got in last night, of course, the roads here were dark, and everything was a mystery. So it was quite something and exciting to see the outside of the place in the daylight – all manner of glitz and excess – from a monorail and a rollercoaster that loopedy-looped all around the place to caves and monstrous flashing signs. As I took my morning run somewhat around the perimeter, the place resembled a huge gaudy artichoke having sprouted itself in the desert’s middle of nowhere. All in all, though, and perhaps despite that, I thought it would be a nice place to take a restful vacation – if one didn’t gamble their money away. They had a first run movie theater, all kinds of other things going on, the rooms were cheap, and the atmosphere friendly. Primms Valley Resort.
After leaving at exactly 11am it took under an hour to get to Las Vegas. It was bright and sunny and I watched the road carefully to see how it would have been had we continued our way last night. The road was in pretty good shape, but occasionally over it were shards and shreds and strips of tires that had come off of the big trucks. I was happy to have made the decision last night I did.
Vegas is where Steve Diano, a fellow I’ve known for more than 30 years now lives. As a second grader, Steve would often come over to the chess club I sponsored at the elementary school where I taught. He was a whiz at chess and was soon beating me regularly. In our tournament with the senior high school, he beat his opponent! He was as bright-eyed and smiley a second grader as I’ve met. We have kept in touch throughout the years and he had invited us to stay with him when he was back east for a wedding.
After we arrived, Steve, with a great convincing and gracious manner invited us to stay for the day despite our puny mileage and after studying the map it seemed feasible. Beside the time we could spend together, he argued, there was the opportunity to do laundry, take a nap, catch up on some other things like checking home phone messages, have access to wireless internet, and also possibly get the rear turn signal on the bike fixed.
We made several calls to that end and found an accommodating place that would take us in. Then with great kindness Steve, with Karen in the car, led me to Motorcycle City, where service guy Dave, and mechanic Jason said they’d fix the bike right up. It was a big busy and friendly motorcycle place. Steve, Karen, and I went to a local deli for lunch while the turn signal was being repaired. We got back about 2 hours later and everything was set to go. I was most appreciative of the folks there for taking the mc right in.
I then followed the car back to the house. It was only about 6 miles or so. Along the way we had a good view of the Vegas skyline. I was most impressed by a Space Needle type building that had restaurant AND a roller coaster on TOP of it.
Steve’s place was spacious and we spread right out in the downstairs guest room. After a nap we got wash done and had a little supper, and then got to see Steve’s command center, which has banks of smaller monitors, and one bigger one he was currently working on. He showed us about how he plays on-line poker and how popular it is! Many thousands seemed to be involved in the playing. Karen enjoyed looking at Steve’s friend Ginger’s scrapbooking room.
We hoped to get our earliest start of the trip tomorrow morning (Karen can hear everyone laughing at that one!) and so headed toward bed around 10:30.

hey joel, dave from motorcycle city here. It was a great pleasure to meet you guys and lend a small hand on your great trip!! we were all amazed that you had done it before on a bicycle before!! needless to say your trip started a lot of fantasy journey stories amoungst us, I for one will soon be planning my own real one, I have thought about something like this for a while. thanks for the insperation. ride safe!!!
dave dicesare
don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened !!